Therese Oneill
Joined: Feb 25, 2013
Therese Oneill is the New York Times bestselling author of Unmentionable: The Victorian Ladies Guide to Sex, Marriage and Manners as well as Ungovernable: The Victorian Parent's Guide to Raising Flawless Children.

8 Weekly World News Headlines that Turned Out to be True

6 Creepy Victorian Ghost Stories to Read Right Now

11 Old-Timey Sayings We Should Bring Back
15 Other Diseases that Could Have Killed You During London's Great Plague
The Great Plague of 1665 killed about 100,000 Londoners, but winde, quinsie, and livergrown also took their toll.
10 Unusual Mid-Century Pageant Queens
In the mid-20th century, businesses began to see the huge commercial possibilities of holding a contest where pretty girls would compete just for the honor of representing their product or main export.
6 Bizarre Museums You Can Visit From The Comfort Of Your Desk
How Did Humans Learn to Paint in Three Dimensions?
5 Great Skincare Tips (From 100 Years Ago)
Hope you stocked up on acetate of lead!
6 People Who Survived Their Own Executions
In the past, people who survived judicial executions often did escape with their lives. It was often seen as an act of God and a declaration of innocence. Sometimes it was just considered shoddy work. Below are some examples of people who survived their o
Popular Diet Tips from 100 Years Ago
Don't drink water. And by God, be sure to breathe!
5 Easy Tips for Better Hair (From the Early 1900s)
Pour cyanide on your scalp—and other tried-and-true pointers from the turn of the last century
10 Lifehacks from 100 Years Ago
From steaming out a splinter to stopping a mad dog, here's how your ancestors handled life's big problems.
5 of History's Biggest Killjoys
Who would declare war on Christmas, alcohol, and sex? These extremely uptight people.
7 Surprising Ways Mother Nature is Trying to Kill You
Plants, dirt, and even rocks are more dangerous than you probably imagined.
5 Ways to Avoid Being Rude (According to 100-Year-Old Etiquette Rules)
Not eating the last piece of pie would have hugely insulted your friends in 1905