Sara Newton
Joined: Nov 21, 2012

6 Historical Events People Love to Reenact

The Quick 10: 10 Broadway Musicals Based on Books

7 of Literature's Most Desirable Leading Men
7 Disasters Caused by Lightning
From gunpowder stockpiles to Star Wars memorabilia, it seems that nothing is safe from a lightning strike. Let's take a look back at some notable examples. 1. Lightning and Gunpowder Don't Mix In August of 1769, lightning struck the tower of the Church o
Dead Rabbits & Other Historical Pregnancy Tests
In the ubiquitous Baby Mama trailer, Tina Fey looks at a used home pregnancy test that mocks her with a foreboding blue "NO" in the results box. Although the mock factor is optional, home pregnancy tests can lay it out straight: YES or NO. Whether the re
Interview with NPR's Peter Sagal
Like many fellow flossers, I am addicted to public radio. The soft buzz of NPR is truly cathartic on Saturday mornings when Wait Wait"¦Don't Tell Me! airs in Chicago. If your weekend routine does not include this show, you are missing out on an informativ