Ray Cavanaugh
Joined: Jul 15, 2016

12 Facts about Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment

12 Facts About Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

12 Facts About Joseph Pulitzer, the Man Behind the Awards
How Freud’s Only Visit to America Made Him Hate the U.S. for the Rest of His Life
Poo problems, prostate pain, and lustful longings: The story behind Freud’s first (and only) trip to the U.S.
Patrick Manson, the Man Who First Linked Mosquitoes to Disease
He was the first to figure out that irritating buzz could be a danger sign.
Ike Gravelle, Montana’s Original Dynamiting Extortionist
His attempts to dynamite Northern Pacific Railroad tracks foreshadowed the Unabomber—but he had very different goals.