Matthew Hickman
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Matthew was born and raised near Savannah, Georgia. After graduating from UGA he made several questionable career decisions. One of these included a plan meticulously outlined on yellow legal pad to buy the dive bar where he and his best friend feigned employment. The other was an equally ill-advised foray into law school, which he briefly attended in 2009. In 2010 he moved to Los Angeles and became a writer. His mother is still coming to terms with the decision. You can follow him at missfitpictures.com.

11 Daredevil Stunts That Pushed Human Limits

Remembering Christopher Hitchens

6 Questions About North Dakota's Oil Boom
The Ancient Websites of 8 Republican Presidential Candidates
The race for the 2012 Republican nomination is in full swing. During the last few months, we’ve spent a lot of time learning about the candidates' records, their personal histories, and the qualities that make them fit to be America’s commander in chief.
11 Other Big Events That Occurred on September 11th
Before the terrorist attacks of 2001, some pretty noteworthy events also occurred on September 11th.
How Military Operations Get Their Code Names
© Hannibal Hanschke/dpa/Corbis Last month the world watched rebel forces pour into Tripoli under the banner of Operation Mermaid Dawn. While watching the news, I was struck by a curiosity many of you might have shared: just where exactly do these names c