Mark Juddery
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Mark Juddery was an Australian journalist and screenwriter who sadly passed away in 2015.

50 Things Turning 50 This Year

11 Comic Book Superpowers The World Could Do Without

7 People Whose Death Notices Improved Their Lives
10 Proven Ways to Become a Movie Star
Did all movie stars start out as waiters and auditioning for any roles they could get? Hardly. These shortcuts to stardom worked for classic stars like Carole Lombard, John Wayne, and others.
50 Things Turning 50 This Year
Back in January, we looked at 30 things turning 30 this year. Now let's see who's joining the half-century club in 2014.
10 Movie Star Strategies for Changing Your Name
In the Golden Years of Hollywood, it was almost essential for any movie star to change their name—unless they happened to be born with an instantly cool name like Errol Flynn or Clark Gable. So if you’re a movie star, how do you choose your new name? Here
12 Other People We Lost in 2013
Let's remember a few significant or inspiring people who left this mortal plane this year—people whose deaths (or whose lives) might not have been on your radar.
10 Great Discoveries of “Lost” Movies and TV Shows
A number of films and television shows once thought lost have been rediscovered, quite unexpectedly, in many unusual ways.
7 Outlandish Alternate Histories
Here are some of the more peculiar questions that people have pondered over the decades.
What If? 19 Alternate Histories Imagining a Very Different World
Alternate history, long popular with fiction writers, has also been explored by historians and journalists. Here are some of their intriguing conclusions.
11 Not-So-Famous People We Lost in 2012
It’s been a solemn year for the deaths of famous and significant people – and as always, many died who were less famous, but should be saluted nonetheless for their contributions to the world. Here are 11 of the lesser-known greats who passed this year.
8 Television Characters Who Were Supposed to Die … But Didn’t
Killing off a popular TV character is a surefire way to get your show noticed. But for some characters who were supposed to die, the writers just couldn't do it.
Alternate Histories: 7 More Ways the World Could Be Completely Different
We previously covered some of the many alternate histories out there. Here are seven more intriguing ways the world could be completely different. 1. What if the Romans won the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest? Effect: No one would speak English. Explanat
Alternate Histories: 7 Ways the World Could Be Completely Different
Alternate history, long popular with fiction writers, has also been explored by historians and journalists. Here are some of their intriguing
10 Great Comic Book Cliffhangers
Super-hero comics have provided some brilliant cliffhangers over the decades. Choosing 10 of the best, most significant cliffhangers is a tough job, so let's narrow it down to the "Big Two" comic book companies, Marvel and DC Comics. Between them, they ha