Mark Arminio
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Mark Arminio is currently freelancing in Detroit, MI, waiting for his big break as the fourth Jonas Brother. He formerly worked in marketing for a large automotive supplier in the Motor City and performed so admirably, the company filed for bankruptcy and no longer exists (although four out of five automotive analysts agree it wasn't completely his fault). He graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati with a degree in English and a minor in Communications (Let's Go X). He currently fills his time with a combination of indoor soccer, bar trivia and karaoke, meaning 90% of the time he is out of place, out of answers and hideously off key.

11 Things Billed as the 8th Wonder of the World

10 Things About Detroit That May Surprise You

Behind the Lyrics: The Inspirations for 6 Famous Songs
On The Road: 5 Great Stops Along I-55
In our continuing coverage of flossy diversions along America's roadways (you can read the first two posts here and here), this week we take a look at the northeast-running expanse of Interstate 55 between St. Louis and Chicago. Making up the eastern en
On The Road: 5 Great Stops Along I-65
Last week, we took a look at the winding stretch of road between Detroit and Cincinnati and a few of the fantastic diversions along the way—everything from a haunted insane asylum to a great place to eat crepes. Continuing our exploration of entert
On The Road: 5 Great Stops Along I-75
"Behind us lay the whole of America and everything Dean and I had previously known about life, and life on the road. We had finally found the magic land at the end of the road and we never dreamed the extent of the magic." - Jack Kerouac. There is indeed
5 Bizarre Instruments
Musicians are constantly striving to push the envelope to create new and expressive works. And to that end, they often come up with bizarre ways to make music. Here's a look at five of these fairly strange instruments. 1. The Glass
Between The Liner Notes: 6 Things You Can Learn By Obsessing Over Album Artwork
There's something exciting about unwrapping a new CD. The sense of anticipation, the smell of the packaging, the struggle with the sticky, impossible-to-open white anti-theft strip. But as music becomes increasingly electronic (in the downloadable sense o
7 Names Inspired By Poetry
From Shakespeare to Sylvia Plath, Gilgamesh to Dylan, poets have left an indelible mark on our culture. Let's take a look at a few famous things named after poets and their works as we explore the awesome influence of poetry in modern