Mario Marsicano
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
NYC advertising account guy turned blogger, Mario was one of the original contributors at YesButNoButYes, and is now proud to add mental_floss to his resume. Mario also runs childhood-inspired furnishings site, Jellio.com, home of cupcake seats, gummilights and Rubik's Cube tables.

6 Amazing Kevin Champeny Mosaics From Afar And Close-Up

9 Unique Ambient Advertisements

Cheetos Lip Balm & More Bizarre Brand Extensions
Where Are They Now? Dot-Com CEOs
Much has been written about the iconic American brands that have recently left the corporate landscape. Names like the bankrupt Circuit City and the nowhere-to-be-found Pontiac are casualties of the Great Recession, and there are most likely more to come
9 Innovative Outdoor Ads
When I first saw this health club bus shelter ad with a scale built into the seat, my first reaction was, "That's brutal." But my second thought was it would definitely get my attention. Recently, I've seen quite a few examples of unique outdoor advertisi
10 Great American Animal Races
Growing up in upstate New York, my dad and I would go to the Saratoga Races every August. There's nothing like watching your horse come around the final turn, battling for the lead. So events like this weekend's Preakness Stakes always bring back some v
7 Interesting Typo Tales
Last month, two members of the Washington Nationals took to the field without noticing their team name was misspelled on their jerseys. Apparently, it took them until the third inning to realize they were experiencing their own version of a wardrobe malfu
10 Bizarre Things You Can Find in Vending Machines
Last month, the Mondrian Hotel in South Beach unveiled the Semi Automatic vending machine, which dispenses 24 kt gold handcuffs, Gaultier dresses, and the keys to a 1965 Corvette convertible. You may think it's truly unique, but in a world of bizarre vend
Who Approved That? 7 Food Promotions Gone Horribly Wrong
Have you heard about Burger King's new Texican Whopper? The taste of Texas and a little, spicy Mexican "“ and they do mean little. The ad for the new product ran only briefly in Spain and the United Kingdom before the Mexican government demanded it be p