Mangesh & Jason
Joined: Nov 21, 2012

The Secret to Homaro Cantu's Genius

The mental_floss Guide to the NCAA Tournament: The Midwest

The mental_floss Guide to the NCAA Tournament: The South
The mental_floss Guide to the NCAA Tournament: The West
We may not be much help in filling out your bracket, but we can promise one interesting fact about each of the 68 teams in the tournament. Let's tip things off with the West
19 Banana Facts to Celebrate Our New Office Eel (Whose Name Is Banana, So It Makes Sense)
We came into the New York office this morning and had a new pet! Meet Banana, the office eel. 1. As any banana aficionado knows, a bunch of bananas is called a hand; individual bananas are called fingers. 2. In recorded history, bananas date back to ar
Temple Grandin’s Thinking in Pictures: Explaining Autism from the Inside Out
Temple Grandin’s Thinking in Pictures was on our 2009 list of The 25 Most Powerful Books of Past 25 Years. Since the HBO movie of her life story cleaned up at the Emmys last night, we thought now was a good time to post this
The New Issue is Out! (Plus, 5 Good Reasons to Pick it Up)
The new mental_floss hits newsstands today, and we can't wait for you to check it out. If you're not a subscriber, we're providing a few choice tidbits after the jump to get you excited. (By the way, you can fix that by taking advantage of one of these su
Book Giveaway Winners
We owe some people some books! Our jury has reached verdicts in last week's giveaways. Here's who won, what they won, and why: Prize: Problem Identified (And You're Probably Not Part of the Solution), by Scott Adams Challenge: Name the four conference ro
The Final Moments of the Civil War
Our new issue is on newsstands and in mailboxes (or beach bags or bathrooms or wherever it is you do your _flossing). This week we'll be sharing a few excerpts from the cover story, "The 50 Most Interesting Places in the Space-Time Continuum," by Jenny Dr
Sneak Peek #6: How to See in a Black Hole
The new issue hits stands Tuesday, and the cover story features the 50 Most Interesting Places in the Space-Time Continuum. We cover everything from Warren Buffet's Desk to Inside a Tornado to the Supreme Court's Doomsday Shelter, and even a short bit on
Sneak Peek #5: Inside a Barrel with Harry Houdini
The new issue hits stands next Tuesday, and the cover story features the 50 Most Interesting Places in the Space-Time Continuum. We cover everything from Warren Buffet's Desk to Inside a Tornado to the Supreme Court's Doomsday Shelter, and yes, Inside a B
Sneak Peek #4: The Prettiest Slum of Tomorrow
The new issue hits stands next Tuesday, and the cover story features the 50 Most Interesting Places in the Space-Time Continuum. We cover everything from Warren Buffet's Desk to Inside a Tornado to the Supreme Court's Doomsday Shelter, and even the Pretti
Sneak Peek #2: The Dirty Side of Marching Bands
The new issue hits stands next Tuesday, and we thought this story might intrigue our fellow band nerds in the audience. If you've ever wondered why marching bands wear those strange, colorful uniforms, it's because they started out as a bribe! Here's the
Rugby Stories Contest Winners
Last week we asked for your best rugby stories, and you came through with some great ones. We took an internal poll and these were the two that most of us cited: From Carly: Oberlin College's Women's Rugby team is an inspiration. They're a club team, hav
The Most Frightening Dance You'll Ever See
Ed note: This post has been sponsored by the Warner Brother's film Invictus, out on DVD and Blu-ray on May 18th. Be sure to keep an eye out for a rugby quiz tomorrow, and if you haven't already, enter our best-rugby-stories contest here. by Chris Connoll