Lela Nargi
Joined: Sep 13, 2016
Lela Nargi is an author, editor, and veteran journalist living in a leafy corner of Brooklyn with a depressed rabbit and a lot of houseplants.

8 Science-Backed Tips to Keep Your Feet From Burning on Hot Sand

15 Secrets of Fireworks Designers

15 Secrets of Caricature Artists
15 Secrets of Genealogists
If you have a really weird last name, they'll love you.
19 Secrets of Public Librarians
Librarians can help you with everything from finding your next great read to filling out your taxes. But they have a couple of patron pet peeves—and at least one involves bacon.
9 'Scientific Mysteries' the Internet Loves, Debunked
Spoiler: The answer is not "aliens." It's never aliens.
11 Secrets of Volcanologists
Some of them work underwater—and some out in space.
10 Secrets of Christmas Tree Farmers
That tapered Christmas tree silhouette? It takes a lot of work.
9 Molds Trying to Take Over Your Kitchen
“I can’t tell you how many times people have said, ‘I have a cut on my arm, should I put moldy bread on it?’”
Illusion Knitting Turns Angles and Stitches Into Hidden Art
Seen close-up and head-on, an illusion-knitted wall hanging might look like a mundane collection of stripes gently snagged by cat claws.
6 Math Concepts Explained by Knitting and Crochet
Familiarize yourself with some heady math concepts by way of soothing knitting and crocheting projects.