Kathy Benjamin
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Kathy is a freelance writer whose work has appeared on various sites including Uproxx and Playboy’s The Smoking Jacket. She is also a regular contributor to Cracked (cracked.com/members/auroratudor). After pit stops in New Jersey, California, and the UK, Kathy now resides in Austin, Texas with her husband and evil bunny rabbit. Befriend her on Facebook (facebook.com/kab18), follow her on twitter (@KathyBenjamin), or read her daily musings about sobriety on tumblr (kathyissober.tumblr.com).

10 Scientific Benefits of Being a Cat Owner

How Did King Edward VIII Meet Wallis Simpson?

11 Things You Should Know About Rosh Hashanah
10 Scientific Benefits of Being a Dog Owner
Dogs make you happier and healthier, and they might even detect cancer.
14 Famous People Who Survived the 1918 Flu Pandemic
The disease ultimately infected some 500 million people, and estimates put the death toll anywhere from 20 to 50 million.
7 of the Coolest Rooms You Can Stand Inside
When hanging art on one wall just isn't enough.
12 People You Might Not Know Were Adopted
Each year, roughly 135,000 children are adopted in the U.S.
11 Simple Ways to Improve Your Memory
Whether you want to be a Jeopardy! champion or just need to remember where you parked your car, here are 11 things you can do right now.
9 Wonderful Acts of Kindness
It's good to remind ourselves that there are plenty of people doing good in the world.
The Most Impressive Thing About All 50 States
Every state in the Union has something to boast about. Here are our favorites.
11 Companies With Innovative Benefits For Parents
Because childcare responsibilities extend beyond the newborn phase.
6 American Wars You Didn't Learn About in School
6 Short-Lived Countries That Don't Exist Anymore
Rulers and nations have come and gone throughout history. Some of them have been important, leaving behind a legacy that affects us to this day; others, like the ones on this list, vanished almost as quickly as they started.
What Did Grover Cleveland Do Between Terms?
After losing to Benjamin Harrison, Cleveland really thought he was done with government. But his wife thought otherwise.
11 Things Las Vegas Has Banned for Some Reason
Las Vegas lets its visitors get away with a lot. Gambling is legal. Walking down the street drinking a beer is legal. Prostitution is illegal but tolerated. It calls itself Sin City and promises that, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”Despite this,