Jenny Drapkin
Joined: Nov 21, 2012

Rutherford B. Hayes: The National Hero of ... Paraguay?

No Politics Allowed: Health Care

6 of LBJ's Favorite Things (on his 100th Birthday)
LBJ: The President Who Marked His Territory
Here, we're choosing to remember Lyndon B. Johnson not by the many political wheels he set into motion, but by the stuff he kept by his side—and close to his heart.
Richard Nixon: The Shy Guy
Who knew Tricky Dick was such a wallflower? Believe it or not (and we realize trust might be an issue here), Richard Nixon was a shy child—the kind who played the piano and only followed sports so that people would like him more. Sadly, the awkwardn
The Nine Lives of Andrew Jackson
It's a wonder Andrew Jackson was able to defeat the British during the War of 1812. And found the modern Democratic Party. And become President of the United States. After all, Jackson should've died many, many times before he had the opportunity to do an
Theodore Roosevelt: Mojo in the Dojo
Teddy loved a good fight, both literally and metaphorically.