Janet Burns
Joined: Apr 8, 2015
Janet writes in Brooklyn, gathers video tapes everywhere, can be found via warmlyjanetburns.com, and thinks Sam Raimi's "Darkman" is essential.

From Bondage to Brains: A Cultural History of Zombies

11 Mouthwatering Facts About Krispy Kreme

9 Major Computer Bugs That Wreaked Havoc
John Gorrie, the Doctor Who Pioneered the Ice-Maker
Humanity's quest for cool took centuries, but it would have ended sooner if John Gorrie had gotten his way.
6 Jazzy Facts About Charlie Parker
The musical icon would have turned 96 years old today.
5 Fun Facts About Lucille Ball
With her bright red hair, infectious laugh, and impeccable comedic timing, Lucille Ball began clowning her way to the top of the Hollywood A-list in the early 1930s and even today remains one of the most indelible figures in American comedy.
16 Earth-Shattering Facts About Independence Day
In the summer of 1996, “Macarena” was on its way to becoming the year’s number one pop hit and an alien invasion movie was about to rocket Will Smith into the outer stratosphere of fame.
14 Facts About Henry VIII
Despite Henry VIII's place in history books and pop culture, there are likely a number of things most people don't know about this enigmatic monarch.
18 Play-Along Facts About Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop
Even if you started singing “The Song That Doesn’t End” not knowing what it was—and will continue singing it forever, just because—there may be a few things you don’t know about the multitalented lady behind Lamb Chop.
8 Edible Plants With Potentially Deadly Doppelgängers
The difference between delicious and deadly can be deviously small.
What Are Loofahs Made Of?
Something to ponder during your next bubble bath.
11 Classic Barbecue Staples that Were Used as Medicines
You don't need to look any farther than the picnic table at your backyard barbecue for some natural health remedies.
11 Things You Might Not Know About Jack In The Box
Jack in the Box is the class clown of the fast food industry.
13 Facts About Raffi That’ll Shake Your Sillies Out
Kids around the world treasure his toe-tapping tunes.
13 Foods You Can't Share with Your Pet
You might want to reconsider putting out that saucer of milk.