Gretchen McCulloch
Joined: Mar 18, 2015
Gretchen McCulloch is a linguist who writes popular linguistics, especially about internet language. She blogs daily at AllThingsLinguistic.com.

16 Old-School Internet Acronyms

Lowkey: A Word That's Lowkey Snuck Into Our Vocabulary

What 4 New Snowclones Like 'X-ers Gonna X' Have in Common
Smol: The New Social Media Word That's "Small," But Cuter
How is language evolving on the internet? In this series on internet linguistics, Gretchen McCulloch breaks down the latest innovations in online communication.
Abbrevs are Def Totes Legit. But How Do They Get Their Spelling?
How is language evolving on the internet? In this series on internet linguistics, Gretchen McCulloch breaks down the latest innovations in online communication.
Why the Pronunciation of GIF Really Can Go Either Way
How is language evolving on the internet? In this series on internet linguistics, Gretchen McCulloch breaks down the latest innovations in online communication.
7 Ways the Internet Is Improving Language
How is language evolving on the Internet? In this series on internet linguistics, Gretchen McCulloch breaks down the latest innovations in online communication.
15 Interesting Things You Can Do With Capital Letters
Capital letters aren't just for starting sentences. Here are 15 more interesting ways to make use of them.
There are Two Kinds of Hashtags—Which One Do You Use Most?
How is language evolving on the Internet? In this series on internet linguistics, Gretchen McCulloch breaks down the latest innovations in online communication.
The New Meaning of 'Cheeky' That's Confusing Americans
How is language evolving on the internet? In this series on internet linguistics, Gretchen McCulloch breaks down the latest innovations in online communication.
Why Have People Started Asking Questions by Adding 'Y/Y'?
How is language evolving on the internet? In this series on internet linguistics, Gretchen McCulloch breaks down the latest innovations in online communication.
How Do You Punctuate Around Emoticons and Emoji?
Some Srs Bsns: Are Words Without Vowels Rlly More Efficient?
The Evolution of "That [Noun] Though"
What's the Difference Between "You" and "U"?
Are we reviving a formal/informal distinction?