Erik Sass
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Erik Sass is the author of The Mental Floss History of the United States and co-author with Steve Wiegand of The Mental Floss History of the World, both of which you should go buy right now. He also covers online and traditional media for MediaPost. His interests include water gardens, games of strategy, geography, and cats.

8 Awesome Mustaches of World War I

12 Technological Advancements of World War I

A New Albanian Crisis
Showdown in Constantinople
The Planning of Pearl Harbor
On this date in 1941, Japan launched a daring attack on Pearl Harbor. While devastating, the move stirred the wrath of the American people, bringing the world’s largest industrial power squarely into the war.
WWI Centennial: Armistice
"The war to end war" finally ends.
WWI Centennial: Allies Triumph In Italy, German Sailors Mutiny
Central Europe fragments while Germany sees the final throes of battle.
WWI Centennial: Allies Rebuff German Armistice Offer
The Central Powers are close to giving up.
WWI Centennial: Central Powers In Collapse
Germany and its allies face defeat, with Allied victories including American Meuse-Argonne Offensive
WWI Centennial: Brits Victorious At Megiddo
Lawrence of Arabia returns.
WWI Centennial: Americans Attack the St. Mihiel Salient; the Flu Turns Deadly
The Spanish flu epidemic sweeps ever more lethally through war-torn Europe.
WWI Centennial: Lenin is Shot; Bolsheviks Unleash Red Terror
The attempted assassination of the Bolshevik leader set off a campaign of extreme violence.
WWI Centennial: Germany Must End War, Generals Admit
Even German children knew the end of the war was near.
WWI Centennial: “The Black Day of the German Army”
The final German offensive finally peters out.
WWI Centennial: The French and Americans Advance On a Broad Front
Erik Sass is covering the events of the war exactly 100 years after they happened.