David Clark
Joined: Nov 21, 2012

The Roots of Arbor Day

The Many Meanings of May Day

Why Is The Middle Finger Offensive?
The Unfinished Tribute to Crazy Horse
This week, David Clark is our tour guide as we take a closer look at some of America's greatest monuments. His series continues today with the story of a monument-in-progress, the unfinished tribute to Crazy
The Gateway Arch (And Why It's Not Fascist)
This week, David Clark is our tour guide as we take a closer look at some of America's greatest monuments. His series continues today with the story of the Gateway Arch. For a monument to the westward expansion of the United States, you might expect some
Blending Stupendousness With Elegance: The Washington Monument
This week, David Clark will be our tour guide as we take a closer look at some of America's greatest monuments. His series continues today with the story of the Washington Monument. Born to Broken
American Monuments: The Statue of Liberty
This week, David Clark will be our tour guide as we take a closer look at some of America's greatest monuments. His series kicks off today with highlights from the history of "Liberty Enlightening the World," known to the masses as the Statue of Liberty:
Curious, Bizarre & Storied State Symbols
Almost everyone knows that each state of the Union has its own flag. State flags, however, are just the most visible elements of an elaborate, esoteric system of legalized symbols that characterize and codify our united states. For example, "Do You Realiz
Even More Answers to Questions About Chickens
Last week, we addressed which came first, the chicken or the egg. Then we answered five other burning questions about the fowl. Our series concludes today with four more FAQs. How come chickens lay so many eggs? It's
5 Questions You've Always Had About Chickens — Answered!
On this planet, there are now more chickens than any other bird, and many, many more chickens than humans. Nevertheless, most people know very little about the fowl they devour nearly every day. Last night, we addressed which came first, the chicken or th
Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
The early Church Fathers, St. Thomas Aquinas, and many creationists today would tell you the chicken came first, because the Book of Genesis reveals that God created birds on the fifth day, along with sea monsters; and we can presume that these original b
The King of Cheese: 3 French Cheeses Vying for the Crown
The French have been wary, at times, of human kings -- consider the rough way they treated Louis the Last (XVI) -- but they've never shied from crowning kings of cheese. Below are three French contenders for the cheese throne, and the prominent voices tha
A Brief History of "American Cheese," from Colonial Cheddar to Kraft Singles
While they had plenty of other culinary talents, the Native Americans were not a cheese-making people. It was the pilgrims who brought cheese and cows with them on the Mayflower and got the whole thing started this side of the
Casu Marzu: The Maggot Cheese of the Mediterranean
Casu Marzu, an illegal Sardinian delicacy, is perhaps the most outrageously foul dairy product in our galaxy. While it's one thing to eat a cheese that smells like gym socks soaked in milk and left crumpled behind the toilet for weeks; you've entered a w