Danielle Braff
Joined: Aug 18, 2016
Danielle Braff is a freelance writer in Chicago. Her work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Crain’s Chicago Business, Women’s Health, Self and Marie Claire, among others. She lives with her husband, their two daughters, two cats and a dog. Check out her other work at Daniellebraff.com.

7 Morning Habits That Can Affect Your Entire Day

11 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Holiday Window Display Designers

5 Ways to Express Your Gratitude (and Reap Its Benefits)
6 Unexpected Uses for Aloe Vera That Go Beyond Sunburns
It's more than a moisturizer.
13 Ingenious Uses for Tension Rods
Upgrade your home with these cheap, versatile devices.
11 Secrets of Financial Planners
They blame YOLO, too.
5 Ways to Get Along Better With Your Boss
Use these pro tips to get back into your supervisor's good graces.
8 Big Moving Mistakes—And How to Avoid Them
The movers are here, and your boxes are ready. But chances are, you made a few mistakes that could cost you your favorite dishes or your beloved picture frame. We’ve got the dirty moving deets straight from the pros so you can move in one piece.
8 Ways to Schedule Job Interviews While Working Full-Time
Forget doctor’s appointments. We found totally sneaky but legitimate excuses for taking time off for job interviews so your boss will never know you’re interviewing.
6 Things to Never Say in a Job Interview
Don't blow your chance at your dream job by asking a thoughtless question or revealing too much personal information.
6 Tips for Gaming the Restaurant Menu
Chefs and restaurant professionals share their tips for scoring the perfect meal.
10 Brilliantly Creative Ways People Have Gotten Jobs
These 10 people went the extra mile with their job applications—and landed the position.
7 Changes You Should Make to Your Resume Before Applying for Your Next Job
Resume styles change just like clothing trends do, and if you don’t adjust yours, it'll be the equivalent of wearing a pantsuit with shoulder pads (not the cool kind) to an interview.
17 Secrets of Wedding Photographers
Don't be afraid to ask why they charge so much.
How Often You Should Do 12 Household Chores
If you stay on top of your weekly and monthly chores, keeping your home fresh and tidy will be a much more manageable feat.