D.J. MacLennan
Joined: Mar 4, 2015
D.J. MacLennan is a futurist author who lives on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. His new cryonics book Frozen to Life: A Personal Mortality Experiment is now available.

9 Easy Ways to Lower Your Heating Bill This Winter

Why Is Yawning Contagious?

15 Pieces of Mail Delivered Decades After They Were Sent
Why Do Toll-Free Numbers Start With 800?
Why Is the Room Where Talent Waits Called the 'Green Room'?
8 Delicious Facts About Haggis
In celebration of Burns Night, a high-protein look at this peculiar and beloved dish.
12 Easy Tips to Help You Improve Your Workspace
Work is work, but don't let it become a chore.
Why Would You Choose To Have Your Head Frozen?
10 Toxins Lurking in Your Christmas Dinner
For a festive feast, concerns of calorie counting and drink moderation get tossed to the side as we indulge in Saturnalian levels of consumption. And if we go in for post-Christmas “detox” diets, it’s presumably because we worry about having “toxed” ourse