Caroline Donnelly
Joined: Nov 21, 2012

3 Really Long Wars

3 Really Short Wars

5 Weather Events Worth Chatting About
The Extraordinary Lives of the World's Tallest People
As a relatively tall person, I know that excessive height means struggling to find fashionable shoes that fit and fighting sneeze guards at salad bars. Here are the stories of several people way taller than me, the good they've done with their extreme hei
7 Ways to Cope with Movie Star Deaths
As The Dark Knight approaches the $450 million mark, Oscar buzz is building for the late Heath Ledger. Christopher Nolan has insisted that he did not digitally alter or use stand-ins to complete Ledger's scenes—this was the director's attempt to pre
6 Famous American Streets (And What Makes Them So Special)
Every town has a Broadway or a Main Street. And while some are more exciting than others, they all kind of look the same. Here's a look at six famous American streets, and what makes them so special. Canal Street, New Orleans,
The Hunting Strategies of Carnivorous Plants
Not the blood-thirsty Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors "“ we're talking about the very real plants that feast on insects and invertebrates. Carnivorous plants are usually found in environments with low-nutrient soil, like bogs and swamps, where they
7 Famous Phrases Famous People Own
A trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase used to identify particular products. Think of Nike and their swoosh. Common words and phrases can be trademarked by companies or individuals if the entity submitting the request can prove that the meaning of the p
7 Advertisements Just Barely Disguised as Video Games
Companies are always trying to sneak advertisements into our daily lives. Not surprisingly, advertising based games (or advergames) have been around almost as long as the video games themselves. Here are some of the more notable examples. 1. Cool