Bethel Afful
Joined: October 11, 2022 Oct 11, 2022
Bethel Afful is a video producer and editor for Mental Floss. Previously, she worked as an architect in Washington, D.C. She’s a video game nerd, a music nerd, a food nerd … yeah, she’s just a nerd. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @bethelafful.

6 Super-Rare Medical Conditions

6 Misconceptions About the Oregon Trail

7 Misconceptions About Gen Z
6 Misconceptions About Ancient Greece
Those famous white statues weren’t originally white—and that’s just one myth about Ancient Greece we’re covering in the latest episode of Misconceptions.
Misconceptions About Famous Cities
From London to Beijing, you may not know as much as you think about these world-class cities.
14 Commonly Confused Things
In this episode of The List Show, host and Mental Floss editor-in-chief Erin McCarthy breaks down some commonly confused pairs.
The Forgotten Sources of 12 Phrases
This episode of The List Show is all about why we say what we say—from the poem that gave us ‘albatross around your neck’ to the hands that gave us ‘hands down.’
8 Misconceptions About Africa
Stereotypes about the diverse continent abound.
7 Misconceptions About Olympic Sports
Divers shower after every dive for a surprising reason.
9 of the World’s Oldest Jokes and Brainteasers
The oldest joke in recorded history is a fart joke that dates all the way back to 1900 BCE.
97 Facts About Generation X
The generation born between 1965 and 1980 loves nostalgia, has a ton of student debt, and hates cooking.
1 Misconception About 9 Major Holidays
We celebrate the same holidays every year, but how much do we actually know about these annual traditions? And how much of what we think we know is actually true?
1 Fact About Every Country in the United Nations: Part 1
In this episode of The List Show, we cover one fact about EVERY country in the United Nations—with Part 1 going up to the letter G.
20 Delightful Slang Terms From the 1930s
These terms are sure to blow your wig.
9 Funerals Gone Wrong
An exploding corpse, a 45-minute car chase, and a horse-related mishap that led to a century-long royal tradition. In this episode of The List Show, host Justin Dodd covers funerals gone wrong.