Austin Thompson
Joined: Jun 27, 2014
Austin is a researcher and app developer from Albuquerque. Despite that, he only knows two extras from Breaking Bad.

Why Are Red and Green the Colors of Christmas?

The Debate Behind How to Number a President

The Surprising History Behind 5 Popular Halloween Costumes
10 of the Best-Selling Books in History (Minus Religious Texts)
From Mao to Harry Potter to Betty Crocker, these are 10 candidates for some of the best-selling books in history.
The Bizarre Story Behind How Franklin Pierce Was Accused of Treason
An anonymous letter supposedly from a member of a secret society claimed that Franklin Pierce was involved in treasonous activities against the American government—an accusation that infuriated the former president.
What‘s the Oldest Curse Word in English?
The four-letter words that still have the power to offend took a circuitous route out of our mouths and into our language.
21 Words Created by Shakespeare (And 4 That Weren’t)
Shakespeare is the first known citation for over a thousand words and even more meanings—but new research occasionally shows that Shakespeare actually didn't originate some phrases, a trend that will likely continue over time.
How Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials Got Their Names
Discover how the different generation names for Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials came to be.
The Hazy Origins of April Fools’ Day
The origins of April Fools’ Day have long been caught up in myths and legends involving everything from mackerels to calendar switches.
6 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True
Humans love conspiracy theories, and always have—there’s even evidence that ancient Romans had a few. But with the advent of the internet, they seem to be everywhere. And some of them are actually true.
18 Fascinating Facts About the Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a foundational moment in American history—and it was not without controversy. Honor its 250th anniversary with these surprising facts.
12 Facts About Red Pandas
Red pandas have always lived in the shadow of the other, more famous panda. But now it’s time to give them their due.
10 Scientific Benefits of Being a Cat Owner
Studies have shown that just watching cat videos on the internet can boost a person’s energy and create positive emotions—so it’s no surprise that actual cat ownership has a number of benefits. Here are a few.
10 of the Best-Selling Authors of All Time
Whether it's Mao Zedong or Leo Tolstoy, these authors probably deserve a place on an all-time top-selling list (caveats abound!).
12 Things You Might Not Know About Passover
The festival of Passover (or Pesach) commemorates the story of the Jews' escape from Egypt—and is one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar.