Andréa Fernandes
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Andréa Fernandes earned her bachelor's degree from a small, Hogwarts-esque Philadelphia college. Because of her fascination with magazines great and small, she designed her own major, Publication & Culture, and enjoyed making all the executive decisions. She's lived in 6 states, traveled to 6 foreign countries, and attended courses at 4 different colleges. Her past jobs have found her dressing up in Renaissance garb, reading books and spilling coffees, counseling tween girls, and surfing the 'net. In her spare time, she enjoys shopping (and tweeting about it) and reading (and obsessively keeping track of her books).

Feel Art Again: 'The Scream'

5 Fast Facts About Tamara de Lempicka

12 of the World's Most Unusual Zoos
When Victoria's Secret Rescued the National Guard
Photo of the 69th Infantry Regiment's armory in New York City by Wikimedia user Dmadeo, edited by user AndreasPraefcke. When SuperStorm Sandy hit New York City last week, the Army National Guard's 69th Infantry Regiment found themselves without electrici
The Late Movies: Kids Incorporated
The children's TV show Kids Incorporated ran from 1984 through 1993 and featured a group of kids who performed in their own rock group, Kids Incorporated, at a former musical club called The Palace. While you may not have heard of the show before, you sho
13 More Great Kickstarter Projects
For the past two months, we've rounded up flossy projects on Kickstarter, the kind of projects our readers would love. Of the 30 projects we've posted so far, 21 have been successfully funded. This month, we have another 13 flossy projects to share with y
A Wonderfully Nerdy Marriage Proposal at the National Book Festival
Like most 20-somethings using social media, my Facebook newsfeed often features "Jane Doe is now engaged to John Smith" posts, with requisite thumbs-up, squeals of glee from friends, and photos of the engagement rings. Last weekend brought a round of seve
15 More Kickstarter Projects We Love
Last month, I gathered up 15 of the best flossy projects on Kickstarter--projects our readers would love, ones that were educational yet playful. Since that posting, nine of the 15 projects were successfully funded. (Four were unsuccessful in raising the
23 Writers Who Were Famous by Age 23
While it's not as easy for authors to become famous at a young age as it is for pop singers, it's still not unheard of for barely legal authors to find fame, success, and even fortune. Here are 23 authors who manager to achieve fame—though not always posi
15 Awesome Kickstarter Projects
I love the site Kickstarter, which enables people to raise funds for all kinds of projects, from indie comic books to clothing lines to theater performances. Every time I browse through the projects, I notice just how many of them are the kinds of project
27 Buildings Shaped Like Food That's Sold There
In 2010, Ethan Trex gave us a great list of buildings shaped like what they sell... but there are way more than just 10 buildings shaped like what they sell, so today we're back with more! (Thanks in part to the tips from all the commenters.) These 27 bu
26 Life-Size Versions of Popular Board Games
Everyone's favorite board games get a whole lot more fun when they're super-sized. (Also: the pieces are harder to lose.) We've gathered up a collection of jumbo variations on classic board games—if you think we've missed a good one, let us know in the co
Army-Navy: Football's Greatest Rivalry
I spent the last 3.5 hours watching the 112th Army-Navy game. It's a particularly personal game in my family: my grandfather served in the Army; his first son, my dad, was born at West Point and went on to attend the Naval Academy, serving 20 years in the
We're on Pinterest!
If you haven't yet heard of Pinterest, it's a relatively new site that acts as a virtual pinboard, with an emphasis on the visual. People use it to save recipes, create inspiration boards, make wish/gift lists, plan for weddings, and more. Because we en
11 Soldiers Welcomed Home by Very Happy Dogs
For Veterans Day 2009, we posted a round-up of videos featuring soldiers being welcomed home by their dogs. In the last two years, YouTube's vast collection of doggy welcome home videos has continued to grow. Before we begin, you might want to grab some t