Adam Raymond
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
A writer, blogger and avid TV watcher, Adam K. Raymond lives in Brooklyn with his wife Josie. He is an editor at Hemispheres and has written for Radar, NYMag.com and GOOD.

6 Products That Can Only Come From One Place

8 Secrets From the Wonderful World of Disney

4 Winning Moments in Gym Class History
6 Complicated Concepts Explained Using Kitchen Items
The Big Bang Theory is much easier to swallow when it's explained with a muffin. Here are complex principles explained with everyday kitchen items.
7 Foreign Objects Found in Food
As you get older, the prospect of finding something unexpected inside of food or drink loses its appeal. Maybe that's because as products get more mature (from Happy Meals to Big Macs), so too do the surprises waiting inside (from plastic rat to actual ra
6 Other Famous People Who Did Not Exist
More examples of people who made a name for themselves despite not being real.
11 Elevens Worth Remembering
On 11/11/11, here are 11 of the most important 11s to ever 11. 1. The maple leaf on the Canadian flag has 11
9 Essential Facts for the Crustacean Enthusiast
1. Let them eat lobster! In colonial America, lobster wasn’t the delicacy it is today. In fact, it was so cheap and plentiful, it was a staple for prisoners and servants. One group of servants from Massachusetts actually grew so tired of eating lobster t