Suzanne Raga
Joined: May 28, 2015
Suzanne Raga loves writing about everything from history, business, music, and literature to personal finance, life hacks, food trends, and health. A graduate of Princeton University, she is the author of You Rock! How To Be A Star Student & Still Have Fun, curator of the indie music blog After The Show, and a whiz at Latin Scrabble.

What’s In Those Little Packets That Come With Bouquets of Flowers?

12 Fascinating Facts About Keith Haring

9 Secrets of Whole Foods Employees
25 of History’s Greatest Moms
To celebrate Mother’s Day on May 12, 2024, here are 25 of history’s greatest moms.
10 Things You Might Not Know About Hardee’s
Hardee was a real person who lost his namesake chain in a poker game.
10 Middle Children Who Really Stood Out
Celebrate National Middle Child Day with these remarkable middles.
10 Fascinating Facts About Louisa May Alcott
‘Little Women’ author Louisa May Alcott was also an early suffragette who fought against slavery and registered women to vote.
Why Do Most Lemons Have Seeds, While Most Limes Don’t?
The answer lies in their chromosomal makeup.
11 Things You Might Not Know About Panda Express
They sell millions and millions of pounds of orange chicken each year.
12 Fascinating Facts About Claude Monet
The father of French impressionism paid a gardener to dust his water lilies.
The Super Luxe History of Pineapples—And Why They Used to Cost $8000
Pineapples used to be expensive in Europe and colonial America. The South American fruit has been a symbol of wealth, luxury, and hospitality.
13 Secrets of Substitute Teachers
They often arrive at work unsure exactly who and what they’ll be teaching—but they have some tricks up their sleeves to get up to speed quickly.
12 Fascinating Facts About Zelda Fitzgerald
The '80s video game 'Legend of Zelda' was definitely named after "America's first flapper." Learn more incredible facts about Zelda Fitzgerald here.
7 Tips for How to Read Faster (and Still Understand What You Read)
Slogging through dense passages can be time-consuming, mentally exhausting, and hard on your eyes. Speed up the process—without sacrificing comprehension—with these tricks.
11 Fascinating Facts About Emily Dickinson
One of the most celebrated authors in history never saw a book published under her own name.