Here’s some very important news: It’s kidding season. As in baby goats. You may not care about goat husbandry, but you definitely should care about these baby goats in sweaters figuring out how to jump for the first time. Gershwin, Butterscotch, Bruno, and Marigold were just 1 day old when this video (spotted by Mashable) was taken at Sunflower Farm Creamery in Maine.
The sweaters served a dual purpose: They kept the little goats warm overnight and disguised the white and tan kid in a darker color, according to the creamery’s YouTube, because his mother wasn’t recognizing him as her own. (The problem seems to have been alleviated, according to the video description.)
There is also a livecam so you can watch any future births in real time—the farm has 20 expectant goat moms this year—though the camera doesn’t seem to be on at the time of writing. Rest assured we will be checking back often.
[h/t Mashable]