In the world of niche television, Investigation Discovery has got the market covered on death. With an ever-growing lineup of fascinating (and amazingly titled) series like Momsters – When Moms Go Bad, How (Not) to Kill Your Husband, Southern Fried Homicide, and Who the (BLEEP) Did I Marry?, the network has turned into a genuine obsession for true crime fans around the world. So much so that IDCon, the network’s first ever fan convention, sold out in less than 24 hours (we were lucky enough to be on the scene). Tonight, ID is adding yet another intriguing new series to its lineup with The Coroner: I Speak for The Dead.
Featuring Graham Hetrick—a coroner in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, who has logged a quarter-century on the job—the eight-part series offers a gripping glimpse at the role forensic specialists like Hetrick play in criminal investigations.
“My whole existence is to be an advocate for the dead,” says Hetrick, who was inspired to become a coroner by his father, who ran a family-owned funeral home in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In addition to his work as a coroner, Hetrick is also a renowned thanatologist, medicolegal death investigator, forensics consultant, and grief counselor as well as a funeral director at the Hetrick-Bitner Funeral Home, which his father built. (It’s also worth noting that Hetrick’s bow tie game is seriously on point.)
While the police are out searching for clues by combing through crime scenes, interviewing witnesses, and interrogating potential suspects, Hetrick is using forensic science to help the victims tell their own stories. As he explains in the exclusive clip below, “Because I listen, I can tell the cause and manner of a death, and sometimes can point in directions that can help the investigators find perpetrators.”
The Coroner: I Speak for The Dead premieres on Investigation Discovery tonight at 10/9c, but you can check out an exclusive clip, courtesy of ID, below.