Change Your Name to Burger, Win Burgers For Life

Mr. Burger on Facebook
Mr. Burger on Facebook |

Mr. Burger on Facebook

People do crazy things for love, even when that love is for a fast-food menu item. First We Feast reports that a Melbourne, Australia-based chain called Mr. Burger is offering customers free burgers for life, but there's a catch to the promotion: to claim the prize, you'll have to legally change your last name to Burger.

Confirming that the news of the "Australia's Next Mr (or Mrs/Ms) Burger" promotion is not a prank, the company's food truck sent out a message on Twitter and directed followers to the Mr. Burger website where they could find more information on the giveaway and a direct link to the name change form.

"Last week was a pretty heavy week in news, between Brexit, the election, and the crazy weather," marketing manager Maleik Edwards said. "We thought this was a great way of brightening people’s day. It’s a bit interesting and fun, and it’s about celebrating the ridiculous things in life."

Of course, lifetime supply doesn't always mean the same thing. In this case, the winner will win a limit of seven burgers per week. To be eligible, according to the terms and conditions of the promotion, applicants have to be 18 or older or have parental consent and be one of the first ten people who make the switch.

As an added incentive, Edwards said that Mr. Burger will pay the fees for anyone who goes through with it by July 31. A curious follower on Twitter pointed out that it takes four weeks to change your name in Australia, but the company confirmed that as long as the someone has proof that the application was submitted before the cut off date, they're covered. Broadsheet reports that people who happen to already be named Burger are not eligible, but they can contact the chain via email to score a few free burger vouchers.

[h/t First We Feast]