Most of us associate food trucks with quick and cheap eats, but the Maille Mustard Mobile truck, currently touring Australia, is changing that. The upscale food truck is attempting to unite fast food and haute cuisine with a series of gourmet mustards and hot dogs. But while most of their menu items cost an already pricey $10 to $20, Mashable reports they're also offering a $73 hot dog creation called the Haute Dog.
While $73 is a lot to pay for any meal—let alone a humble hot dog—Maille Mustard claims the Haute Dog is well worth the price. But it’s not the fluffy brioche bun or Australian angus beef sausage that drive up the Haute Dog’s price. Rather, it’s the mustard. The Daily Mail explains that the Haute Dog is topped with a black truffle-infused mustard, and comes with a 100-milliliter jar of the mustard on the side. Since 100-milliliter jars of the Maille black truffle mustard, themselves, sell for $73 a pop, and can only be purchased at a handful of boutique stores around the world, the Haute Dog experience really is all about the mustard.
Spending $73 on a jar of mustard may sound no less absurd than spending that amount on a hot dog, but Maille says both the special mustard and the Haute Dog have been a hit for their company. "It is a very tasty, very sought after mustard," Maille’s Joe Barrs told Mashable. "We had a tub of it air freighted to us about a month ago ... and we've sold out."
Check out video above to see the Haute Dog being prepared.
[h/t Mashable]
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