In what seems like no time at all, reality television has gone from being a guilty pleasure to something worth setting a reminder for. Now that there are reality shows entering double-digit seasons and others that have spawned multiple spin-offs, reality TV has more than established itself as a real genre, and fans have pledged their unwavering devotion. To see just where those loyalties lie, analyzed Google Trends data to create a map that details each state's favorite reality show.
According to the map, Hoarders leads the pack as the favorite reality series in five states while Shark Tank and America's Next Top Model claim four states apiece. Keeping Up With the Kardashians is the favorite show in its home state of California (Arizona loves it, too), while Pawn Stars owns Nevada, where it is based. But location isn't everything: Long Island Medium is reportedly the most popular reality show in Delaware, but not in New York (the Empire State prefers Ru Paul's Drag Race, though Mob Wives and Long Island Medium round out the top three).
"Generally, viewers love to indulge in reality shows that reflect their own regional interests," according to On its website, the company also listed each state's top three shows and included facts about the states to provide context for the kinds of people who are watching each show. "California is in the top three [states] nationally for income and median house price, so they know a thing or two about how it feels to keep up with the Kardashians," CableTV writes.
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