Congratulations: You bought a house! While it’s tempting to immediately splurge on furniture, there’s one purchase you should make before shelling out the money for a new sofa: a very large toolbox (or, if you have the room in your backyard, a storage shed).
The infographic below was created by home tool review website Power Drill Reviews. It lists the 50 pieces of equipment you’ll need to complete basic household repairs and keep your lawn in tip-top shape.
If that number sounds intimidating, just remember that it’s OK to start small. While it’s nice to own fancy gadgets like a caulking gun or an outlet tester, you’ll likely only need basics like a hammer, a screwdriver set, a measuring tape, and a saw as you’re first settling into your abode. Later on, you can spring for larger, costlier items. Plus, if you live in a condo or apartment, you won’t need things like a wheelbarrow or a garden hose at all.

[h/t The Huffington Post]