McDonald's is beloved for their French fries, and now the fast food chain may have found a way to make them even more irresistible to customers. After introducing their new garlic fries at four locations a few weeks ago, SFGate reports that the product has already sold out.
The chain's Gilroy Garlic Fries are made to order using a puree of Parmesan, parsley, olive oil, salt, and garlic sourced from Gilroy, California, a.k.a. "The Garlic Capital of the World." McDonald's began testing them at select locations in the Bay Area, about 80 miles north of Gilroy, earlier this month. Now, after less than two weeks on the menu, the company has announced they've already run out of the supplies to make the side dish.
Fortunately for garlic-loving fast food patrons in San Francisco, McDonald's says the item will return within a few weeks. They also stated in the initial release announcing the test run that the fries would be made available in 250 of their Bay Area locations in August pending positive feedback. Based on the high demand right out of the gate, it's safe to say they got the feedback they were looking for. The product's immense popularity could even earn it a spot on menus across the country at some point in the future. Sounds like the perfect side for that dinnertime Egg McMuffin.
[h/t SFGate]