In Korea, no one needs to eat dinner solo—because you can eat dinner with cats, virtually. Cats Meok Bang is a popular livestream of stray cats eating, the Associated Press reports (via Jezebel).
Created by a 35-year-old former web designer named Koo Eun-je, who set up cat food and a camera outside his mother-in-law’s house, Cats Meok Bang gets an average of 110,000 viewers per month in South Korea. It's been compared to the video game Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector, where users buy food to attract virtual cats to their garden and watch them play.
According to The Verge, Koo Eun-je, who calls himself BJ (Broadcasting Jockey) Thief Cat, has given the stray cats adorable nicknames like T-shirt, and created a “menu” chalkboard detailing their culinary options in the background of the video.
Some 17 village strays come to feast each day in front of the camera. The “cat restaurant,” as BJ Thief Cat deems it—an outdoor patio—is full of Hello Kitty toys; there’s a rubber ducky floating in the foreground, and what look to be eels swimming in a fishbowl. The cats have several types of food to choose from, some of it paid for with donations from viewers. Occasionally a human wanders into camera range, but for the most part, it’s just cats, tentatively enjoying a free dinner. At night, light-up disco balls illuminate the cat dining room.
This is the ultimate use of Slow TV. Unfortunately for international cat lovers, the livestream is available on Popkon TV in Korea. Fans elsewhere in the world can watch some of the videos on YouTube.
[h/t Jezebel]
All images via YouTube