Who needs Spark Notes when you can read John Atkinson's abridged summaries of some of the greatest works of literature? The cartoonist, from Ottawa, Canada, publishes playfully humorous drawings on his website, Wrong Hands. Bored Panda recently published two of Atkinson's most recent works, both of which are part of an ongoing series the artist calls "Abridged Classics."
"Abridged Classics" feature mini-drawings of great novels like War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, and Wuthering Heights. Their captions provide plot summaries that read like sarcastic two- or three-line book reports—you know, the kind your high school English teacher likely wouldn't appreciate, but the rest of the class would find funny.
Atkinson plans on drawing at least one more cartoon in the series, which he will post on his website. (Atkinson hasn't decided which books to draw yet, so feel free to provide suggestions.) In the meantime, you can check out more of his works online. You can also purchase prints of the "Abridged Classics" comics here.

[h/t Bored Panda]