Apply for an Artist's Residency at the World's Largest Particle Collider

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Some people think that arts and sciences are incompatible. The nuclear physicists and engineers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, more commonly known as CERN, don't buy that, however. Located near Geneva, Switzerland, the research organization is home to the world’s largest particle accelerator. Soon, Smithsonian reportsCERN also hopes to have its own in-house artist.

CERN is offering creative types of all nationalities the chance to apply for a three-month residency called the COLLIDE International Award. The selected artist will collaborate with scientists to make a work that “reflects upon encounters between art and science."

"Our desire is to connect the worlds of leading scientists with international artists through 'creative collisions', encouraging both fields to inspire and challenge each other, and pushing the boundaries of their traditional roles and methodologies," Arts@CERN’s director, Monica Bello, said in a statement.

The winning artist will receive a 15,000 Swiss franc ($15,500) cash prize, according to Smithsonian. They will spend two science-filled months at CERN, and one month producing their proposed works at the UK’s Foundation for Art and Creative Technology in Liverpool.

Interested in throwing your hat (or paintbrush) into the ring? The submission form is available online until May 23, and is open to English-speaking artists of all ages from across the world. Artists must submit a project proposal, along with a short filmed statement defending its merits. The winner will be announced by the end of June.

[h/t Smithsonian]