You Will Soon Be Able to Buy Cream-Filled Oreo Churros

"OREO Creme-filled Churro Bites for retail," J&J Snack Foods Corp
"OREO Creme-filled Churro Bites for retail," J&J Snack Foods Corp | "OREO Creme-filled Churro Bites for retail," J&J Snack Foods Corp

How do you make the world's best-selling cookie even more delicious and popular? You take another dessert and find a way to fuse them together, creating an entirely new way for fans to treat themselves. J&J Snack Foods Corp recently announced that Oreo Churros will soon hit stores in two variations: 10-inch sticks and smaller, bite-sized versions.

"OREO Churros Creme Filled Bites with OREO Churros logo," J&J Snack Foods Corp

According to a press release, it has been a year since the original Oreo Churros were introduced to the world. But unlike that variety, which was intended to be dipped into Oreo cream, the new churros are packed with cream filling and made from real Oreo pieces—streamlining the snacking process into one self-contained treat. The bite-sized churros will be sold in the frozen section of stores around the U.S., but Mashable reports that the longer sticks will only be available at "food retailers like movie theaters and sporting events."

"We were overwhelmed by the national buzz surrounding the original Oreo Churros, so immediately began working on a product line extension so that the snack was available to dippers or grippers," J&J Snack Foods CEO Gerry Shreiber said. The new products bring the Oreo Churro count up to five, as production will continue on the other three dipping versions: Traditional Churros, Double-Twisted, and Bites.