Check Your Email in the Bathroom? You're Not the Only One

Source, Getty Images
Source, Getty Images | Source, Getty Images

Have you ever grabbed your phone, run to the bathroom, and idly scrolled through your email while sitting on the toilet? Turns out you aren't alone. According to a new study released by Adobe, 42 percent of Americans also, uh, multitask in a similar fashion.

This finding was culled from a study in which the computer software company surveyed 400 adult U.S.-based workers about how, where, and when they checked their email. The answers weren't so surprising for those of us who own smartphones and have busy jobs. On average, survey respondents said they used email six hours a day. They'll check it whenever, wherever: 70 percent of individuals said they'll read messages while watching TV; 50 percent while on the phone; and scarily enough, 18 percent while driving. Is it that hard to believe, then, that we'd take a leave of absence in the lavatory?

If you're shaking your head from this news, you might be either in or over your late thirties. Fifty-seven percent of respondents who admitted to emailing-while-toileting were millennials. However, let's hold off on the age-specific trend pieces for now. Survey results also revealed that 24 percent of respondents think they're emailing "way too much"—indicating that no matter how old you are, everyone could benefit from unplugging once in a while.

[h/t Tech Crunch]