15 Fun Slang Terms to Creatively Say You're Tired

ByErin McCarthy|
This guy is cream-crackered!
This guy is cream-crackered! | Ajwad Creative (speech bubble), CSA Images (wind up man) // iStock via Getty Images Plus

If you’re so exhausted that saying “I’m tired” just doesn’t cut it, don’t worry—we have you covered. Below are 15 fun terms you can whip out the next time you're feeling wiped out.

1. Cream-Crackered

This is a term from the ‘80s meaning “exhausted, tired out.” According to Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang, the term apparently originates from a brand of biscuits called Jacob’s Cream Crackers (which is why you can also say you’re Jacob’s crackers when you’re tired).

2. Bog-Eyed

Bog-eyed was slang in the 1940s for tired eyes, either from lack of Zs or too much booze.

3. Limber

Americans have a whole slew of regional ways to express their exhaustion, according to the Dictionary of American Region for English. Among them is limber, as in the phrase limber as a dishrag, which is often used in the South to convey a sense of fatigue.

4. and 5. Dished up and Kerry-Packered

Aussie slang from the 1930s, this term is an extension of dished, meaning “ruined, beatened, damned,” according to Cassell’s. (Saying “I’ll be dished” is another way to say “I’ll be damned.”) Another way to say tired in Australia is kerry-packered, rhyming slang for knackered.

5. Crawling On One’s Eyebrows

According to A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, crawling on (one’s) eyebrows dates back to World War I and was an Army way of saying you’re tired.

6. Off His Saucer

“Tired, not in the humor, out of sorts” is what this turn of phrase means, according to the 1897 book A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon & Cant.

7. Like Barney’s Bull

Green’s Dictionary of Slang dates this Aussie/New Zealand term—which can mean “brought to a halt” in addition to tired—to 1883. Somewhat confusingly, as of 1903, to do something like Barney’s Bull could also mean “energetically.”

8. Wall-Falling

If you ever find yourself tuckered out in Ireland, make sure tell people that you’re wall-falling.

9. Couldn’t Pull a Greased Stick Out of a Dead Dog’s/Cow’s Arse

Yet another incredibly creative way to say you’re really, really tired (or really, really lazy), courtesy of Australia.

10. Choofed

To be choofed is to be wiped out from doing way too much.

11. Wabbit

Wabbit is a colloquial Scottish term meaning "tired out, exhausted," and according to Scoor-oot: A Dictionary of Scots Words and Phrases in Current Use, has been “known only since the end of the 19th century," and is “of uncertain origin.”

12. Comfoozled

This delightful word, meaning “exhausted, overcome,” was probably coined by Charles Dickens, who wrote in The Pickwick Papers: "He’s in a horrid state o’ love; reg’larly comfoozled, and done over with it."

13. All to Pieces

A term from the 1880s usually used to refer to horses.

14. Pumped

These days, when we’re pumped, we’re excited. But in the 1890s, it was just another way to say you were exhausted.

15. Mondayish

Here’s one we can all relate to: According to A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon & Cant, mondayish meant “used up, tired,” and apparently originated “in the clergyman’s supposed state of fatigue on Monday, after the work of Sunday.”