Despite initial skepticism from producers (and Elton John), "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is one of the most iconic songs of all time. Countless movies and TV shows have parodied and paid tribute to the operatic ballad over the years, and now, there's a version of the hit song for cat fans.
This parody video spotted by Nerdist is for any rock lover with a feline queen or king in their life. Instead of the illuminated faces of Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon, and Roger Taylor from the original music video, we see the floating heads of four cats. (Their names are Boo, Sweetie, Griffin, and Stripey Superstar, if you were curious.)
The lyrics have been changed to reflect the wonders of pet life. The playful spin on the classic song works much better than it should. In the video below, you'll hear such lyrical gems as: "Mama just killed a mouse / Ate it all except the head / That's your present on your bed." It's called "Bohemian Catsody," but there's nothing bohemian about the pampered cats in this parody. Creator Shirley Șerban wrote in the description: "Cats are royalty. We are their willing servants."
The homage takes on the full song, from the mournful opening to the explosive climax. To understand how "Bohemian Rhapsody" went from oddball single to parody fodder, you can read some facts about the song here.
[h/t Nerdist]