Humans have built cities in extreme environments across the globe, from the edge of the Arctic to the middle of the desert. Merely wet weather may sound tame in comparison, but it's a serious matter in many parts of the world. This map shows which places get the most rain of any cities on Earth.
Budget Direct put together this graphic of the wettest cities in every country using weather records from Many of the rainiest places on the map are located in tropical regions. In Buenaventura, Colombia—which gets the most rain of any city in the world—at least one millimeter of precipitation is recorded 258 days of the year. In the U.S., the title of rainiest city goes not to Seattle, but to Hilo in Hawaii. Rain falls in the lush area on 211 of every 365 days.
Countries with generally drier climates have it easier, even in their rainiest cities. In Australia, Cairns in Queensland gets the most rain with 117 days of precipitation. The UK is known for being wet and dreary, but it only rains on 147 days of the year in its rainiest city of Londonderry, Northern Ireland. That's much less than what cities receive in wetter parts of the globe.
To see the wettest city in your home country, check out the image below. The map is based on current weather data, but rainfall is expected to get more severe in the coming decades. Here you can see how climate change may affect your home city in the future.