Though it's a tedious part of many people's days, driving is a high-risk activity. More than a million deaths occur on roads each year. Some accidents are unpredictable, but many happen in areas that are known for danger. To see which roads around the world are most perilous for drivers, check out the map below.
BudgetDirect commissioned the marketing agency NeoMam to scour government websites, transport associations, and local news reports to determine the deadliest roads in every country. In the United States, Interstate 45 in Texas is notorious. The highway connects busy urban areas like Galveston, Dallas, and Houston, and careless driving has resulted in 56.5 fatal accidents for every 100 miles of road.
Some roads on the map have eerily appropriate names. Bolivia’s Yungas Road, a.k.a. Death Road, takes riders down a 10-foot-wide path overlooking a sheer, 2000-foot drop. Up to 300 people die on the treacherous mountain road each year. In Israel, there's the Dead Sea Highway portion of Highway 90. The road is named after the famous salt lake, but it lives up to its macabre title. Due to busy lanes and poor infrastructure, 17 people died there in one two-week period in 2018.
Even if you avoid the roads featured in the map below, it's still smart to practice safe driving habits. Here are some of the most common road hazards and the best ways to react to them.