Space Hero, a New Reality Show, Wants to Send You to the International Space Station

The ultimate ocean-view getaway.
The ultimate ocean-view getaway. | NASA, Flickr // CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

One lucky astronomy enthusiast may soon have the chance to see space without committing to a massive career change. As Travel + Leisure reports, an upcoming reality show called Space Hero is looking to send a civilian to the International Space Station (ISS).

You won’t need a degree in astrophysics or decades of engineering experience to enter, but a passion for space exploration is a must. The series will reportedly follow a group of contestants as they compete in challenges that reflect what actual astronauts have to go through, and viewers might get to vote for their favorite participant. The winner will then spend 10 days aboard the International Space Station, and the rest of us will watch it all unfold from home.

The series is a collaboration between a space media company called Space Hero Inc. and Axiom Space, the private aerospace company founded by NASA’s former ISS program manager Mike Suffredini. Axiom will oversee all the space-related elements of the show, from training the contestants to planning the journey itself, which is tentatively scheduled for 2023. As for how the winner will get to the ISS, they’ll likely be aboard one of SpaceX’s Dragon rockets.

Plenty of details are still up in the air. We don’t yet know, for example, how people can apply or audition for a spot on the show, who will host it, or where we can watch it. According to Deadline, it’s meant to be a worldwide phenomenon: Producers intend to hold an international search for contestants and broadcast the series across the globe.

While you’re waiting to find out how to toss your space helmet in the ring, here are 17 odd things we’ve sent to space.

[h/t Travel + Leisure]