Even if you don't live in the original Golden Girls house that recently went up for sale, you can still make your home a shrine to Rose, Dorothy, Blanche, and Sophia. This wallpaper, recently spotted over at Scary Mommy, bears the likenesses of all four ladies.
The Spoonflower shop Chica and Jo designed this special wallpaper for the ultimate Golden Girls fan. Spoonflower is a custom printing home design company that allows creators to sell their custom designs as fabric, gift wrap, and wallpaper. The shop's Golden Girls wallpaper delivers exactly what it promises: The pattern consists of the faces of the four main characters against a coral background. There are several different application options, including pre-pasted and peel and stick, and it's available in sizes ranging from a test swatch to a 2-by-27-foot roll, depending on the style.
The fabulous wallpaper is just one Golden Girls-themed item in Chica and Jo's inventory. The shop also sells the design as a fabric you can purchase by the yard. Patterns featured on furniture from the Golden Girls's Miami home, including their bright floral couch, are also available to buy as fabric.
You can order your Golden Girls wallpaper from Spoonflower today, with prices reaching up to $200. Here are more products to transform your home into a Golden Girls-inspired paradise.
[h/t Scary Mommy]