Sick of the Same Old Window View? Swap Yours for Someone Else’s With This New Website

A perfect view for zoning out on a Zoom call.
A perfect view for zoning out on a Zoom call. | Melissa Van Gogh, Unsplash // Public Domain

Even if you’re lucky enough to have a window in your makeshift home office, your neighbor’s fire escape or your own squirrel-ridden backyard might not be your favorite scene to stare at—especially after months of doing so. With WindowSwap, you can check out someone else’s view for a change.

Hit “Open a new window somewhere in the world” in the middle of the page and the site will present you with a 10-minute video of a surprise vista; bikers ride by Maggie’s window in Copenhagen, for example, while the lush foliage outside Vishrut’s window in Haridwar, India, sways gently in the wind. You don’t get to choose where to go, but you can open a new window as many times as you want.

According to CNN, the site was developed by Singapore-based creative designers (and married couple) Sonali Ranjit and Vaishnav Balasubramaniam, who came up with the idea after getting tired of gazing out their own window.

“Let's face it, it's going to be a while before we travel again and wake up to a new view outside our windows. So until then, why not voyeuristically travel by looking out of somebody else's window for a while?” Ranjit told Campaign Asia-Pacific. “We hope this way of ‘traveling without moving’ will give the world as much joy as it has given us.”

To share your own small square of the outdoors with other housebound daydreamers around the globe, you can send a 10-minute, horizontal video of your window view—along with your first name, city, and country—to

[h/t CNN]