These Revised Guidelines Redefine Birth Years for Millennials, Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and Gen Beta

Whether you’re an elder Millennial who identifies more with Gen X or a ’90s baby who feels caught between Gen Y and Gen Z, these new guidelines can help—no cap.
These kids are alright.
These kids are alright. | Tim Robberts, DigitalVision, Getty Images

Move over, Gen Z and Gen Alpha: Generation Beta is officially the most accurate label to describe the youth of today.

The Pew Research Center periodically updates the age ranges it uses to define the generational groups, and that includes the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. In 2019, the organization officially added the birth years for Gen Z. Since then, other sources have weighed in on the suggested age ranges for Gen Alpha and Gen Beta. Check out the latest definitions for each generation below:

  1. What Are the Age Ranges for Gen Z?
  2. What Are the Age Ranges for Gen Alpha?
  3. What Are the Age Ranges for Gen Beta?

What Are the Age Ranges for Gen Z?

When the Pew Research Center revised its guidelines for generational classifications in 2019, Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and Gen Beta didn’t appear on the list as separate categories. People born between 1997—the cutoff point for Millennials—and the current year were simply called “Post-Millennials.”

Gen Z has since grown into an economic and cultural force that’s hard to ignore. The world’s teens and young adults have been behind many of the biggest fashion trends, political movements, and memes of the last several years. Even though the oldest Millennials are still only in their early 40s, the generation has long been synonymous with young people. With Gen Z and Gen Alpha gaining more attention lately, that’s finally changed.

While the dates are still a bit up in the air (some argue that the oldest Zoomers were born in 1995), the Pew Research Center defines members of Gen Z as anyone born between 1997 and 2012. That means the group spans ages 13 to 28 as of 2025. The organization cites important political, economic, and technological factors that helped them determine the cutoff from Millennial to Gen Z. Most American Millennials were shaped by 9/11, the Iraq War, and the economic recession of 2008, while members of Gen Z may have little to no memory of these events. Gen Z is also notable for being the first generation to be totally immersed in the world of the internet since birth.


Time Frame

Age in 2025

The Silent Generation


80-97 years old

Baby Boomers


61-79 years old

Gen X


45-60 years old



29-44 years old

Gen Z


13-28 years old

Gen Alpha

Early 2010s-2024

1-approx. 12 years old

Gen Beta



What Are the Age Ranges for Gen Alpha?

The official birth years for Generation Alpha are still strongly up for debate, with some contending that they start in 2010 (syncing up with when the first iPad was released) and end in 2025, while other sources cite 2012 (or just the early 2010s) as the jumping-off point for this group.

The Pew Research Center, citing concerns that generational research has become “a crowded arena” influenced by marketing, will refrain from such analysis until there’s enough historical data to support comparisons between generations at similar stages of life. The debate over Gen Alpha’s official birth years will surely persist.

What is clear is that any babies born by the end of 2024 belong to Generation Glass, a nickname they’ve gotten thanks to how omnipresent technology has been in their formative years. Another huge factor in shaping these youngsters will be COVID-19—kids born at the start of the pandemic in 2020 will be turning 5 this year and will have no memories of life before quarantine.

What Are the Age Ranges for Gen Beta?

Though many Gen Alphas are still in diapers, they’re not the youngest generation anymore. In fact, all the new kids on the block belong to Gen Beta.

The Pew Research Center—still the leading authority on generational age ranges—has yet to weigh in on the official birth years for Gen Beta. Instead, the Australian social media marketing company McCrindle has announced that babies born from 2025 to 2039 will be part of Gen Beta.

It is still far too early to characterize or define this generation in any substantive way beyond their probable birth year ranges. But we know that the kiddos will grow up in a digital-centric world, with AI becoming more embedded in people’s lives with each passing year. As the children of Millennials and older Gen Zers, Gen Betas are expected to amount to 16 percent of the world’s population by 2035, McCrindle reports.

You’ll hear a lot more about Gen Beta as today’s newborns are blamed for “killing” various industries into the 2030s and beyond.

More Articles About Generations:

A version of this article was originally published in 2019 and has been updated for 2025.