People really love the flavor of pumpkin pie—so much so that they want to taste it in their lattes, SPAM, and hamburgers. But no one is as devoted to the autumnal treat as Molly Schuyler. As UPI reports, the competitive eater ate 50 slices of the stuff at a pumpkin pie eating contest on September 28, breaking her own record.
Every fall, the Great Pumpkin Farm in Clarence, New York hosts the World Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship to see who can consume a season's worth of pie in one sitting. To make things even more challenging, contestants are forbidden from using their hands to "squeeze or disfigure the precious pumpkin pie."
Anyone who's been following the contest shouldn't be surprised to see that Schuyler came out on top: She won in 2017 with a record-breaking 48 slices, and again in 2018 with 44. But this year she bested herself, setting a new record with 50 pieces in 10 minutes.
Schuyler's insatiable appetite isn't limited to pie. The world-famous competitive eater has earned records for downing copious amounts of beef patties, bratwurst, pizza, fried mushrooms, and Nashville-style hot chicken. Based on her pumpkin pie-eating prowess alone, she has become a celebrity at the Great Pumpkin Farm.
Schuyler was awarded $1000 for winning the contest and an extra $500 for setting a new record. She finished nine slices ahead of the second-place contestant, which means competitors should start training now if they want a chance at beating her next year.
[h/t UPI]