Any Harry Potter fan who grew up with the series no doubt dreamed of receiving an invitation to attend Hogwarts on their 11th birthday. But once Potterheads reached adulthood, more practical matters—like whether they could even afford to attend the Witchcraft and Wizardry school—came into play. From the elaborate Great Hall meals to its world-famous professors (remember the infamous Gilderoy Lockhart?), Hogwarts provided its students with the very best of the best. These days, a school that features all those bells and whistles would surely cost a pretty penny—or a pretty Galleon.
Mic decided to crunch the numbers and calculated that the actual cost of attending Hogwarts would total a solid $43,000 per year. Add in the cost of wands, robes, and cauldrons, and they speculated that seven years of magical training would cost Harry and the gang more than $300,000 apiece.
Potterheads on Twitter have debated this subject as well, with most wondering how any student besides rich kid Draco Malfoy could even afford tuition at a school like that. But it took just one tweet from JK Rowling to clear up the matter for good.
@emmalineonline1 @micnews There's no tuition fee! The Ministry of Magic covers the cost of all magical education!
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) July 17, 2015
Mic replied to Rowling, suggesting that Muggles should follow in the footsteps of the Ministry of Magic when it comes to education legislation, and Rowling had to agree.
@micnews Far be it for me to tell you Muggles what to do - but yes. You do.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) July 17, 2015
Now we're even more disappointed that our acceptance letter never arrived all those many birthdays ago.