The 30 Most In-Demand Job Skills Employers are Looking For in 2019 |

Don't ignore the "skills" section when updating your resume for 2019. If you already have a strong employment history, a solid list of desirable skills and abilities may be what it takes to push your application ahead of a competitive pool of candidates. And like the state of the job market, the skills employers value most are constantly changing. LinkedIn Learning recently took a look at its data to determine the 30 most in-demand skills companies are looking for in 2019 out of the 50,000 skills listed on the networking site.

The job skills list is divided into two sections: soft skills and hard skills. Soft skills are the type of abilities that can't be proven with a certificate or degree, and because they can't be automated, they're increasingly in demand. They include skills like collaboration, creativity, and persuasiveness.

While you may be able to get away with exaggerating some your soft skills on your resume, hard skills are more difficult to fake. This is where most tech skills like cloud computing, video production, and UX design fall. Language and writing-based skills, like journalism and translation, are also considered hard skills.

You can check out the full list below, then head here for some more resume-polishing tips.

Soft Skills

1. Creativity

2. Persuasion

3. Collaboration

4. Adaptability

5. Time management

Hard Skills

1. Cloud computing

2. Artificial intelligence

3. Analytical reasoning

4. People management

5. UX design

6. Mobile application development

7. Video production

8. Sales leadership

9. Translation

10. Audio production

11. Natural language processing

12. Scientific computing

13. Game development

14. Social media marketing

15. Animation

16. Business analysis

17. Journalism

18. Digital marketing

19. Industrial design

20. Competitive strategies

21. Customer service systems

22. Software testing

23. Data science

24. Computer graphics

25. Corporate communications

[h/t LinkedIn Learning]