Warning: Don't Fall for the New Netflix Phishing Scam Going Around

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In addition to catching up on Stranger Things and kicking ex-roommates off your account, you now have something else to worry about if you're a Netflix user. As WYFF 4 reports, there's a phishing scam circulating through email that targets subscribers to the streaming service.

The email is formatted to look like an official message from Netflix, with the company's logo at the top. It informs you that "your account is on hold," and that you need to update your payment information before service can resume.

But law officials are warning web users not to click the link in the email, or in any emails that come from unfamiliar sources. "Criminals want you to click the links, so that you voluntarily give your personal identifying information away. It is very successful," the Solon, Ohio police department shared in a Facebook post. "Don't click the links. The links could also be a way to install malware on your computer."

The phishing email contains a few clues that it's not legitimate: It lists an international phone number, uses the British spelling of centre, and opens with the unusual greeting "Hi Dear."

But even without these giveaways, you should always be wary of emails that ask for personal information, even if they appear to come from companies that you trust. According to Netflix, communications emails will always come from the address info@mailer.netflix.com. If you receive a message from this address (or an address that looks like it), and aren't sure if it's trustworthy, you can always go to Netflix and reach out to customer service about the problem directly.

[h/t WYFF 4]