If you need a little something extra to get you through the holidays, this recipe might be for you. The boozy pecan pie milkshakes, highlighted on AOL, are sure to be a crowd-pleaser, and if you’re lucky, it might even distract your guests from talking politics at the dinner table.
The recipe serves roughly two people, and fortunately, you don’t have to do any baking to replicate that classic pecan pie taste. All you need is four simple ingredients: 1 pint of butter pecan ice cream, 1 ounce of whiskey, 1 ounce of amaretto, and caramel sauce to top it all off. (You can even add in some chocolate syrup, if you're feeling really bold.)
Once you’ve paid a visit to the liquor store, get out your blender and mix the ice cream, whiskey, and amaretto together until smooth. Pour it in a couple of glasses and drizzle some caramel sauce on top for added flavor and presentation.
If you’re going to be busy in the kitchen making other dishes, these milkshakes can be prepared in advance. Just stick the blender jar in the freezer (as long as you won’t need it later) and give it a quick re-blend before serving it to your guests.
Looking for some last-minute Thanksgiving tips and tricks? Check out our advice for cooking the perfect turkey and upgrading your green bean casserole.
[h/t AOL]