Many of the things that cause people great distress—such as spiders, sharks, plane travel, and elevators—are considered "irrational" fears for a reason. That's because the things that are most likely to off you are far more mundane, as the below infographic spotted by Bored Panda shows.
The information was compiled by Best Health Degrees using data from the National Center for Health Statistics, and the chart outlines your “chances of dying” from scuba diving, bicycling, and traveling by car, among other activities.
Some of the statistics are a little surprising. For example, you’re far more likely to die while canoeing (the risk factor is 1 in 10,000) than while bungee jumping (1 in 500,000). Dance parties are slightly deadlier than skydiving—which is to say, these activities aren’t very dangerous at all. And you’ll probably be safe if you stick to video games, where the risk of death is 1 in 100 million.
The chart wraps everything up with a rather depressing statistic: “Regardless of all of these risks, your probability of dying during a given year doubles every eight years.” So, if you aren’t thoroughly scared to leave your house now, keep scrolling to see more death-related statistics from Best Health Degrees.

From: Best Health Degrees
[h/t Bored Panda]