The Reason You Almost Never See Litter at Disney World

Yoshikazu Tsuno, AFP/Getty Images
Yoshikazu Tsuno, AFP/Getty Images | Yoshikazu Tsuno, AFP/Getty Images

An average of 50,000 people visit Disney World each day, but despite the heavy foot traffic, the grounds of the parks remain pristine until closing time. That doesn't mean that Disney guests are cleaner and more considerate than the average pedestrian. According to Travel + Leisure, the lack of litter at Disney World can be explained by one rule all employees are obliged to follow.

Every Disneyland and Disney World worker—or "cast member", as they're officially called—must agree to pick up any trash they see on the ground. And that rule applies to everyone; custodians, as well as Mickey, Moana, and any Disney executives checking on the parks are expected to act as impromptu trash collectors whenever necessary. That means if a guest does dispose of litter on the ground, it won't be around long enough for too many people to notice.

Disney cast members must undergo a rigorous application and training process, from fitting a certain height and build to perfecting their character's signature. And once they make it onto the parks' staff, the litter rule isn't the only thing they need to be mindful of. Every cast member is forbidden from saying this simple phrase in order to maintain the Disney magic.

[h/t Travel + Leisure]